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People Power

Our employees have years of experience in the IT business. The company recruits talent from the industry as well as academics. Hiring Standards being stringent ensures good quality of people joining the company. Current skills repository is in areas such as web technologies, server technologies, networking technologies, Internet and security technology, data centers, databases and application technologies. Through robust performance and talent management programs we are able to motivate, manage and retain the right talent while optimizing productivity.

People are Samtech’s biggest asset

In our opinion, it is the value of people and what they do determines the success and worth of any organization. We at Samtech believe that most of our worth is tied to the Human Capital.

Capturing the value of Human Capital at Samtech

Samtech being an integral part of the growing knowledge economy constantly makes sure that we manage our Human Capital well. We ensure that right talent is hired, trained, motivated and managed throughout their life cycle @Samtech.

Samtech is an equal opportunity employer and is a fun place to work. We let innovation breed all the time. New ideas and out of box thinking is encouraged and implemented.

Latest Projects

  • Teacher Management System TEMIS
  • National Disaster Management Authority Portal
  • Crime and Criminal tracking Network System(CCTNS) Delhi & Himachal
  • Social Justice Management System (SJMS)
  • HVPNL Portal & Data Digitisation Services
  • Incredible India Web Portal

Our Clients